
• Night Chant. (1985)

For amplified C flute, G flute or bass flute.
Approximate length: five minutes.

  1. – Bass Flute version performer: Marielena Arizpe.


  1. – C Flute version performer: Vincenzo Garulli.

Night chant was written in collaboration with the flutist Marielena Arizpe , while I was studying under Mario Lavista´s  supervision in the National Conservatory in Mexico City. It is  the only work  I rescue from my youth because  on it I began to find my voice.  Night Chant is like an ancient voice  that tries to describe the  eternal that sometimes pops up through the contemplation of nature.




• Dark chant  (1991)

For solo violin.
Approximate length: ten  minutes.

Dark Chant was written in collaboration with Saúl Bitran and its emotional character comes form a Patti Smith  line: “Never let go of that fiery sadness called desire”

 Violin: Saúl Bitrán. Recording alive.

Score on line