
Canto Fúnebre (1990)

Para   oboe y  percusión.
Duración aproximada:  cinco minutos.

Obra dedicada a Lenny Young  e inspirada en la novela de José Revueltas El luto humano

Oboe: Carlos Santos. Percusión: Eduardo Lozano Pino.
Registro en vivo  Abril, 19 ,  2015 .  Centro Cultural Elena Garro.  

Score on line

• Ishtar (1999)

For  amplified  soprano and  piano .
Approximate length:   eight-nine minutes

Ishtar is one of the many names that the moon has. This piece is a first approximation towards this ancestral symbol trough which we can perceive -among many other things-, a monthly lunar cycles of nature.

This work was commissioned by Dr. Moises Ladrón de Guevara to commemorate the XV Anniversary of Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana -Iztapalapa and it is dedicated to him

Soprano: Ana Gloria Bastida.  Piano: Mariana Villanueva.   Recording: : Antonio Russek.

3. UAM. Ishtar

Psyché (2015)

For amplified flute and piano.

Approximate length: 10 minutes ( in this cut version ).  Total : 17 minutes.

Psyché  was born from  a deep creed in my life: the idea  that within each of us  there is an inmortal, divine  being which survives us after death.  It symbolizes this eternal, sacred core of our nature. Life emanates from it and it is also the bond to our eternity: death.This piece presents a series of vignettes  which alude to diverse  stages or characteristics of the soul.It  was commissioned by the flutist Evangelina Reyes  and it is  dedicated to her and Camelia Goila

Flute: Evangelina Reyes. Piano: Camelia Goila. Recording: Bogdan Zawistowsky.

Invocaciones II y III. Música mexicana para flauta y piano, siglos XX y XXI.